Friday, 30 December 2011

A citizen of the world.

I think that I could call myself a globaltrotter. I love to travel and visit new places. I love new food, new manners, and I love others cultural ways of living from each country. I think that life is too long or too short for just staying in one place, for just knowing one kind of reality. Every place, every corner has attractiveness and it would be very difficult to me to just choose one country that I would like to go. I want to go everywhere. But, for the exercise I will choose India. I think that it’s so strange, so unknown, so different at what we are use to hang. I’d love to stay there a year or two, learning about their religion and culture. Increasing everyday my knowledge and improving myself. I’m sure that this is my expectation of travelling around the world. I’m the type of lady that feels that can travel without moving, because I know that I can be everyday better here.

The things I know about India is that is a big, big country. And that cows share space with cars. I have heard that is out of control because there are a lot of people everywhere. And that the food is very nice, with a lot of species and chili, I love tasty food.

If I reach out India I think that I would like to know everything that I could. Travel around the country watching and living new things, things that maybe I never thought could exist. I would show myself just how I am and try not to worry with the things to do, I can do whatever I want.
I think that the way that I’m planning my life is to work – live – travel, and again, and again. Work in anything I’d like, save some money and try to travel again. I don’t want to stay in just one country the rest of my life, maybe when I’m older and start a family, but meanwhile I think that I will just hanging around the planet Earth.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Santa understood me wrong

Since I’m not a Christian believer, I won’t refer about the origin of this festivity. However I imagine that the celebration is related with the born of Jesus. I do think that this mean has been construct by the culture and do has significance in many parts or the world. The truth is that all of the customs of Christmas are collection of traditions and practices taken from many cultures and nations, so allows me think that other kind of feast is possible. Nowadays Christmas has turn into a shoking period of last month of the year, were everyone is thinking about how much consume, spending a lot of money in expensives gifts, thinking that the amount is directly related with how much would the kids like it or not. I think is bad this way of transforming de christmas eve because not everything in the world is money. Kids get older thinking that this is how Christmas
show should be celebrate and they dont think the back message that the celebration should have.

In my house Christmas is a regular day. Since my parent break up, this time of the year has turn into a dramatic scene in my home. I try not to get involved with that feelings and cheer up my mom in the kitchen. I prepare great desserts too, so my big brother and my mother are pleasant with the opportunity of taste them and share happy together.

With the history of my life I think I don’t like Christmas so much. It isn’t my favourite date at all, but I can go through it without any upset face. And of course I love watching my younger cousins enjoying their new toys. But if I think all the things that means today Christmas I think that I don’t like it so much, but if we could give other sense to the festivity, one much more worried about the feelings and the spiritual thoughts, then it could be better.

Friday, 16 December 2011


Well, there’s a lot to say about these new term that we are starting. First of all, it’s my last term (if everything goes fine) so im very exiting with ending this phase of my life. To achieve this final process I must pass 6 signatures, plus my seminar grade, so it won’t be too easy. But im hoping to be responsible with the time for do my best. I also have to take a sport subject, I choose Arabic dance, which makes me so happy because im having a better relation with my body, knowing and feeling parts of him I never do before. Its funny because I was always bothered with my dreadful rhythm, so now im learning and trying to improve myself.

Its a strange feeling being studying during summer. But when I was noticed that I could mix second term of this year, with the first term of 2012, introduced a lot of sense and motivated myself to handle all the signatures I should take for makes real my graduation. It doesn’t matter. I hope everything goes right like im planning, so I will have vacation on March and I wont be pushed by time for coming back.

I just want to improve my English because one of my goals is to leave my country and travel around the world. A second language will be very useful and its a tool that I appreciate beyond others skills.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

My Perfect Sunday

Its all about how much you sleep. Definitely it should be eleven o'clock. No more, I hate loosing all day long sleeping. Waking up, and hearing some sprinkling with rain out side. I love the sound that rain does when it crash with a roof glass. I love waking up with that noise, knowing that today I can stay home everyday, without dressing for any special reunion. And So I am, with my slippers and loose-fitting trousers, pacing up and down the department, singing a great song or eating some candies hidden in the drawer of the kitchen. Its perfect.

Suddenly, 4 o'clock. Maybe its time for lunch, maybe we call for a pizza. I love when it doesnt matter. When nothing is necessary, just the things that we want to do. Everything gets better if my boyfriend surprised me, arriving with a box of chocolates or a dvd that we can watch inside the bed, with a hot-water bottle between our foot fingers.

There are so many Sundays that I cant do it. So many. There are so many things to do always. The help that I should offer my mom, the work, the university stuff. Things that are fine, but doesnt leave me time for what I love doing most... Rest.
Thats why these Sundays are perfect when my mother is out home, I doesnt have to go work and University is on a strike. Like today.

My favourite picture

No doubt about it, this IS my favourite picture. This photo was taken about 10 years ago, when we were kids of 5th. grade. In fact, we are wearing our school uniform. It was a tradition for us, to have dinner together after long sessions of school.

The girl that is below me, is call Paloma, and she is still my best friend. Here we are at her's house, laughing with the camera that she has just got.

Its so funny, becouse at that period we used to annoy with the issue that we were the fat and the thin. And now, when we look through our old pictures, we cant stop laughing about our condemn past. We turn so nostalgic, missing that old time were everything was simple.

Sometimes I wish to go beyond this picture. Stay just one minute in that moment, watch it as Im a stranger that enjoys looking some girls having a good time. I do know that is impossible to stay staring there, but it feels great when i imagine go back in time being just the way i am now.

Friday, 27 May 2011

My favourite Song

Im sure. In these moment of my life, the song that I cant stop listening is "Times are a-changin", of the mythical composer Bob Dylan.
These song talks about every time in the past was better than now, and its the soundtrack of a great movie as it is Watchmen.
The part that I like most of the song is:
"Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is Rapidly aging
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'".

Here he talks about another time, different from the past, were fathers and mothers must stay calm. They must stop triying to shape what they expect from their kids. They must let them free, let them have their own experiences.
I think that these song touch me deep in what I think the behaviour of the parents should be. Its true that Im not mother yet, but I hope i have still these principles, and I do not restrict what they want to do.

The movie were these theme is principal its about some superheros. They are interested in saving the world, but they are real people. The just wear costume and feel like inmortal. But its not true. They are full of conflicts about good and wrong, about making good in a political way. Who watch the watchmens?, these is the question that start the movie, and that gives a lot of moral observations about the role of the heros.

My favourite hobby

I think that what I love most its to ride my bike. Nothing compares with the free experience of holding tightly the handlebars in a way down. Very fast. Gathering high speech and closing, just one second, the eyes. Turning up the volume of my cd player, listening the songs that I thought I have allready forgot, and sing them, so loud, that people may think that you are crazy. I love crossing the city in my bike. Knowing new spots, neighbourhoods that generally you dont appreciate, but when you watch them clearly, with my vehicle in my other hand, its so obvious that these is what I like.

However, the bike is a moment that I love to enjoy by myself, I like hanging out with my friends too. Especially when we discuss about a good movie or book. We all are very different in tastes, so its very interesting to share a beer and talk about our opinion of anything. My friends, and I, we all think that our critique are important, so we let our tongues go. Its funny, we laugh, and we get angry, and then we hugh each other. We have met since so long, that any conflict its resolved by drinking out another bottle.

Favourite piece of technology

I think my favourite piece of technology it’s my video camera, wich was my present in my 23rd. Birthday. It was a big surprise for me to receive it, because when I was younger I used to record a show that I have with a friend, and when we saw it we had some much fun.
It has been very interesting playing with the camera again, recording different moments that I’m living right now. I think that some day I will play them to my children, and they will laugh with the things that I do with my friends, and how do we look when we were twenties.
Nevertheless, I’m not a technological girl, so I’m not very stuck in the modes and the applications that the camera can reach. I really don’t matter the effects that you can put during the tape, I like the view just as it is seen. I think that too much effects may look overlaborate and destroy the principal image that I’m trying to capture. I like the most simple, non elements that decentralize.
The thing that I like the most about my camera it’s her shape. The thinnest and tiniest camera I’ve ever seen. I can hold it in just one hand, and the memory cards nowadays are so little. You can use wherever you want because the size it’s so comfortable. When I’m recording I remember my parent and his old video camera, that was so big, with the old vhs videos, and a bag where he carried all the stuff that his camera needs. It makes me nostalgic, but I’m grateful that technology allows something much handy. In fact the camera is called a ‘Handy cam’ so I think that’s why is so convenient.

Friday, 29 April 2011

About an expert...

What she/he has done (examples of their work)-Why you like her/him-Include his/her image

I think that an expert that I admire is Pierre Bourdieu. He was born August First, 1930 in France. He developed in the fields of Anthropology; Sociology and Philosofy. Bourdieu pioneered investigation frameworks and terminologies such as cultural, social and simbolic capital, and the concepts of habitus, field or location, and simbolic violence to reveal the dynamics of power relations in social life.
His best known book is Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, in which he argues that judgments of taste are related to social position, or more precisely, are themselves acts of social positioning, these view Bourdieu called as Habitus.
Bourdieu died of cancer at the age of 71.

I like him becouse is someone who get right in the world vision that he constructed. The concepts that he define are consistent with the social life that we are sharing, so makes easier explain the social relations, and how careers define the man or female that we finally are.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Im a Weird - O

Hello there, welcome to my jungle. Im not sure if you have notice but... world is over, and this virtual spot is the only thing that remains, the only space left. I'll be posting here some advances of whats going on with humanity, how life tries to survive on this virtual field, without oxygen, without any water. I hope this message doenst afraid you. I do have hope, and im sharing it with you, anonymous follower. We are not dieying today.