Sunday, 5 June 2011

My Perfect Sunday

Its all about how much you sleep. Definitely it should be eleven o'clock. No more, I hate loosing all day long sleeping. Waking up, and hearing some sprinkling with rain out side. I love the sound that rain does when it crash with a roof glass. I love waking up with that noise, knowing that today I can stay home everyday, without dressing for any special reunion. And So I am, with my slippers and loose-fitting trousers, pacing up and down the department, singing a great song or eating some candies hidden in the drawer of the kitchen. Its perfect.

Suddenly, 4 o'clock. Maybe its time for lunch, maybe we call for a pizza. I love when it doesnt matter. When nothing is necessary, just the things that we want to do. Everything gets better if my boyfriend surprised me, arriving with a box of chocolates or a dvd that we can watch inside the bed, with a hot-water bottle between our foot fingers.

There are so many Sundays that I cant do it. So many. There are so many things to do always. The help that I should offer my mom, the work, the university stuff. Things that are fine, but doesnt leave me time for what I love doing most... Rest.
Thats why these Sundays are perfect when my mother is out home, I doesnt have to go work and University is on a strike. Like today.

My favourite picture

No doubt about it, this IS my favourite picture. This photo was taken about 10 years ago, when we were kids of 5th. grade. In fact, we are wearing our school uniform. It was a tradition for us, to have dinner together after long sessions of school.

The girl that is below me, is call Paloma, and she is still my best friend. Here we are at her's house, laughing with the camera that she has just got.

Its so funny, becouse at that period we used to annoy with the issue that we were the fat and the thin. And now, when we look through our old pictures, we cant stop laughing about our condemn past. We turn so nostalgic, missing that old time were everything was simple.

Sometimes I wish to go beyond this picture. Stay just one minute in that moment, watch it as Im a stranger that enjoys looking some girls having a good time. I do know that is impossible to stay staring there, but it feels great when i imagine go back in time being just the way i am now.